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Overview of remuneration package of Supervisory Board in 2006

The remuneration package of the Supervisory Board comprises an annual fixed fee and an annual committee membership fee.

The fixed fee for the Chairman of the Supervisory Board is €50,000. The members of the Supervisory Board each receive a fixed fee of €35,000. Committee membership is awarded €5,000 per member and €7,500 for the Chairman.

In accordance with good corporate governance, the remuneration of the Supervisory Board is not dependent on the results of the company. This implies that neither stock options nor shares are granted to Supervisory Board members by way of remuneration.

If any shareholdings in DSM are held by Supervisory Board members, they serve as a long-term investment in the company. At year-end 2006 the members of the Supervisory Board together held 9,584 shares in Royal DSM N.V.

The company does not provide any loans to its Supervisory Board members.

Rules have been adopted governing ownership of and reporting on transactions in securities (other than securities issued by DSM) by Supervisory Board members.

The table below gives an overview of the remuneration paid to the Supervisory Board in 2006 (in €).

  Annual fixed fee Committee fee Total
Cor Herkströter, Chairman 50,000 12,500 62,500
Henk Bodt, Deputy Chairman 35,000 7,500 42,500
Cees van Woudenberg 35,000 5,000 40,000
Ewald Kist 35,000 5,000 40,000
Pierre Hochuli 35,000 N/A 35,000
Claudio Sonder 35,000 N/A 35,000
Tom de Swaan (as from 29.03.06) 26,250 N/A 26,250
Total 251,250 30,000 281,250

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